Tessa Keefe AP Language

Despite the tenacious grip of nausea and the persevering pangs of hunger

Willpower emerges victorious from a war between conscious and somatic mind

Thus, nothing is consumed in a savage battle resisting entropy

Control is seductive amidst a cloud of bewilderment.

A coping mechanism which persists even beyond recovery

A plaguing guilt in every aspect of consumption despite a mask of confidence

The crippling obligation to physique and figure 

Guilt and will manifest themselves under the guise of conformity

It’s a toxic relationship with oneself in which satisfaction is never achieved

And liberation is impossible because there’s no way to liberate from your own conscious 

Followed by the shadow of the beast, one must persevere with feigned indifference to its presence


Alexis Duong AP Language


Canada - A Travelogue by Maia Earl